This is Jingwei.

I’m here to craft engaging and thoughtful experiences to reflect consistently both business and user needs.

With my solid foundation in jewelry design, metal-smithing skills, and human-centric design skills, I aspire to become an outstanding UX designer who is proficient in product usability, and the user experience.

From 2011 to 2018, I have successively acquired the rigorous training required to be a jewelry design professional from my BA in Jewelry Design & Metal-smithing from Indiana University Bloomington and my MA in Jewelry Design & Metal Arts from  Academy of Art University. Aiming to be a sophisticated designer equipped with both aesthetics and technology, I acquired Interaction & UIUX Design to supplement the requisite disciplines for the development and applications of human-system interface technology.

My ambition is to create meaningful products and bring some fascinating solutions to the user experiences that can change lives in a positive way.

Jewelry making
Where I studied and lived
Wuhan, China
Bloomington, Indiana
San Francisco, CA
Fremont, CA